We help support cutting-edge research whose results could have a direct impact on conditions where hyperbaric oxygen treatment may be appropriate.

Our intention is that through our support, members of London Hyperbaric Medicine’s research team will be able to contribute to improvements to cancer care, treatment of brain injuries in addition to the indications accepted worldwide for hyperbaric oxygen.

Our support is available exclusively to researchers in the UK hyperbaric medical community in their quest to improve and enhance patient care. There is an expectation that the results will be published in peer reviewed journals to ensure the quality of the ongoing work.

In addition to this, we aim to facilitate access to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on an evaluative basis for patients suffering from those previously approved conditions which commissioners have now withdrawn routine funding.

Friends of London Hyperbaric Medicine is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

Contact Details

Friends of London Hyperbaric Medicine,
The Hyperbaric Unit,
Whipps Cross University Hospital,
London, UK, E11 1RG


020 8539 1222

Our Vision

Our vision as a charity is to:

  • Inspire

    hyperbaric physicians to engage in quality hyperbaric research

  • Support

    UK clinicians involved in these research activities

  • Facilitate

    patient access to hyperbaric oxygen treatment for conditions where the most benefit can be expected

  • Inform

    the medical community and the UK population of the scientifically supported conditions for hyperbaric treatment

Within this vision, the charity supports research into the clinical effectiveness and place of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the clinical treatment pathways of a range of selected conditions.

Our efforts are targeted at those conditions and patient groups that most closely align with the principles of evidence based medicine, but for which further high quality evidence may be beneficial.